Omg! See How Soldiers Tortured Man Accused Of Stealing A Lady’s Phone To Death (Graphic Pics)

A woman has caused the death of a man after he reported him to soldiers who brutally tortured the man to death.
Umar Abdulaziz was allegedly tortured to death by men of the Nigerian Army
Some men of the Nigerian Army have been indicted in the murder of a man identified as Umar Abdulaziz who was allegedly tortured to death by soldiers in Ganye, Adamawa state after a lady named Fatima accused him of stealing her phone.
According to the report, the soldiers beat the man to the extent that he was about giving up. Upon realizing that the man was about to die, the soldiers secretly took his body to his house and dropped him there before escaping.
After that, the man’s relatives saw him and took him to the hospital where he later died.
This is how Rariya reported it in Hausa language: ‘LABARI CKIN HOTUNA
Sojo Ya Kashe Wani Matashi Saboda Zargin Ya Satarwa Budurwarsa Waya
Rahotanni sun nuna cewa wannan saurayi mai suna Abdulaziz Umar soja ne ya azabtar da shi har ya yi sanadiyar rasa ransa a garin Ganye dake jihar Adamawa, doming wai budurwar sojan  mai suna Fatima ta tuhume shi da sace mata wayar salula.
Hakan ne ya sa budurwar ta kira sojan suka kamo shi suka tafi da shi suka yi ta gana masa azaba, bayan sun fahinci cewa ba zai rayu ba sai suka dauko shi suka yar da shi  a kofar gidansu, anan yan uwansa suka daukeshi suka kai asibiti, inda nan rai halinsa'

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